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  2. पैन कार्ड की स्कैन कॉपी !
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NOTE :- ID लेने से पहले या पेमेंट करने से पहले इस बात का ध्यान रखे की ID रजिस्ट्रेशन कर पेमेंट करने बाद आपको अपना EKYC कराने के लिए  हमारे नीचे दिए गये पते में आना होगा  जब तक आप अपना EKYC नही करायेंगे तब तक आपका ID ACTIVATE नही होगा धन्यवाद !
हमारा पता है :- 
सोनवानी ऑनलाइन सेंटर 
नगरी सिहावा मेन रोड़ देवपुर 
जिला -धमतरी  राज्य -छत्तीसगढ़  INDIA
पिनकोड -493778
मोबाइल नम्बर -7024002846 8103073573


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    10. customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%

    11. customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%

    12. customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%

  2. CSP Bank Mitra model aims to provide a real time, user-friendly banking services to the consumer in their neighborhood. CSP Bank Mitra has been a National ‘Business Correspondent’ for the SBI, PNB, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Central bank, Canara Bank, Allahabad Bank, Union Bank, Axis and ICICI Bank . As per this arrangement CSP Bank Mitra is authorized to provide Kiosk banking service to its present retail network and create new Kiosk Banking agents across the country
    apply for sbi csp in online

  3. ustomer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%

  4. customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%

  5. customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%customer care number=%6291701440%6291701440%

  6. CSP Bank Mitra BC aims to serve its valued customers in the best possible way. We provide banking services to people living in remote areas, especially the lower-income group without a bank account.
    CSP providers offer mini bank facilities to people. We have tie-ups with almost all major banks such as State Bank, Central Bank, Allahabad Bank, Indian Bank, Yes Bank, PNB and many more.



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